Relaxing Idea #2
Oncology Massage – formally trained massage therapists in this specialised area. For more information and to find someone near you, click here
Dry Skin #2
Putting cream on your hands and then wearing plain white cotton gloves can help soothe and protect very dry skin. These gloves can be purchased at the major supermarkets.
Dry Skin #1
Several women have found that MooGoo MSN cream is helpful with very dry skin. It can be obtained from your local chemist, or from this web site.
Bone Pain
Some women have found the use of an electric blanket very helpful for bone pain, particularly during the colder months.
Hand and Foot Syndrome #1
While we cannot endorse any particular brand, one of our women has found these boots, from Arcopedica, very helpful in relieving pain and burning in her feet.
Superannuation for people with a terminal illness
People with terminal medical conditions can access all their superannuation tax free, regardless of their age or whether they are still working. Read more here.
Skiing – hire snow shoes which are almost as much fun as skiing, but lessen the chance of doing damage if you fall over. (And lessen the chance of falling over.)
Keep a spreadsheet of all costs. Include service dates, invoice numbers etc. Ring Centrelink and make an appointment to find out what benefits you are entitled to, e.g. disability support pension, carer’s allowance, carer’s payment. Ring your superannuation board and discuss whether you are entitled to a payout, and what may be involved in accessing your money.
Freeze a big cookup and keep in the freezer for when you have chemotherapy, and are not feeling well. Ignore housecleaning – spend your days doing stuff you enjoy. If the housecleaning is too much employ domestic help, or ask family or friends to assist.
Nausea #1
Juices with fresh ginger may help with nausea.