ABCG Workshop March 2024 – Session 2
Mary and Pia answer questions about the future of the Advanced Breast Cancer Group.
1 - How it all started
During our March 2024 workshop, Dr Catherine See, a member of our Board, explored the group’s 25-year journey via a series of questions to retiring Co-Directors Mary O’Brien and Pia Hirsch. The session also featured the video “From the Archive,” which showcased some key milestones and some more lighthearted moments. It can be viewed here. In this video, Catherine dives into the original vision for the group and asks how the ABCG came to be set up. Mary shares the story behind the group’s founding and highlights the research that demonstrated the psychosocial benefits for women living with metastatic breast cancer.
2 - Why two therapists?
In this video, Catherine explores the ABCG’s dual model, which involves having two therapists facilitating the group. Pia discusses how supporting one another enhances their ability to contribute to the group. Following that, Mary highlights the practical advantages of having two people involved.
3 - How has the group changed you?
In this video, Catherine asks how being part of the group for an impressive 25 years has influenced their lives. Pia responds by explaining the single biggest learning she has had is to be grateful for the life you have and to live for the moment. She goes on to explain how privileged she feels to have worked with all the women that have been a part of the group. Mary then adds that the insights she has gained have been incredibly valuable, both professionally and personally.
4 - Faced with the loss of funding
In this video, Catherine opens the floor to the group and a question is asked about a period in the group’s history when they were facing funding issues. Mary explains how their existing contract with the government was coming to a close and Pia shares details about the campaign and petition they organised, which ultimately led to the continuation of their funding.
5 - How will you feel after stepping down
In this video, Catherine takes another question from the floor with one of the women from the group asking how both Mary and Pia will feel after stepping away. Mary admits that leaving will be tough for her, and suggests it is partly why she has chosen to stay on to help transition the group. She also reflects on the bright side and discusses her plans for how she will spend her time once she retires.
6 - The future of the service
In this video, Catherine asks what retiring Directors Mary and Pia would love to see in the group’s future. Pia shares her thoughts by stating that the ABCG is a group for courageous individuals eager to learn how other women cope, and that she’d love for that to continue. Additionally, she’d love to see the model receive federal support and made available in every state, as well as being adapted to help those facing other types of cancer. Mary adds that she wishes to see more similar groups across Queensland to reach more individuals living with metastatic breast cancer.
7 - What would you have done differently
In this video, Catherine takes another question from the floor asking that in hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently? Mary begins by saying that there really isn’t too much she would change. She explains by describing the early days of the group and how it has evolved organically based on a series of encounters and events.
8 - Biggest lesson
In this video, another question from the floor asks about the most significant lesson the two of them have learned. Mary answers by telling the story of a woman from early in the group’s history who said “the doctors tell you you’re going to die, and women show you how to live”. Pia then suggests a great tip that she has taken to heart: eat a lot of chocolate.
Dealing With Pain
Don’t feel you have to put up with pain. Tell your doctor. Ask for advice as to how best to use pain medication.