My name is Pam Patterson, I am 73, born on 29/7/43, I live in Murgon which is 200klms n/w of Toowoomba. I had my left breast removed on the 4th of December 2013. I had Chemotherapy for six months then radium for six weeks, which finished in September 2014. I was told on the 27th of April 2017 I had secondary breast cancer in the stomach area.
I have a husband Chris who is my carer, as I have lymphedema and wear a support garment day and night. I have a son, Mark daughter-in-law Wendy and granddaughters Brianna 15 and Amy 13 who live 45kms away in Kingaroy. My mother who is 97 lives in Toowoomba and I have two brothers.
I have had all of my treatment at St Andrews Hospital in Toowoomba. Gaye the breast nurse at St Andrews gave me a brochure about the Advanced Breast Cancer Group and encouraged me to get in touch with Mary and Pia. My local breast nurse Ros also recommended the group. I range Mary and she arranged a phone interview on the 9th of May. I did my first phone-in on the 30th of June. Unfortunately I had an appointment at 1:30 and I was only able to talk to three other members. I was a bit nervous but even for a that short time I found it beneficial. I feel we are lucky to have so much support, sufferers of other types of cancer don’t have as much support.
Bone Pain
Some women have found the use of an electric blanket very helpful for bone pain, particularly during the colder months.