BEGINNING OF MY JOURNEY Primary cancer diagnosed 1987, left partial mastectomy followed by 6 weeks radium. In 1993 had surgery to remove a seed found at the old tumor site. For the first 10 years had checkups 3/12, 6/12 and then yearly thereafter. DIAGNOSIS OF SECONDARIES Sailed along until approx 1998/9 when I began to…
My story is one of faith, hope and love. In January 2023 I noticed a lump in my right breast. After a mammogram, biopsy and aspiration of my lymph nodes I was told I had stage 2 Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I spoke with the oncologist in Hervey Bay and surgeon about a lumpectomy and…
Gerry’s story I was first diagnosed with HR+ invasive ductal breast cancer in September 2000. I had a left mastectomy, 6 months of chemotherapy followed by 5 years of Tamoxifen and 2 years of Femara. All was well until October 2015 when I noticed that my sternum was not sitting flush with the chest wall. …
My name is Dianne. I am 60 yrs old. In 2005 at aged 42, I was diagnosed with early breast cancer. A lumpectomy, mastectomy and 6 months of chemotherapy (Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide and Flurouracil) followed. I had a Neulasta injection the day after each chemotherapy session to stimulate my white blood cells to help fight…
Useful Advice
Cancer Council has a programme that provides free legal, financial and workplace assistance to people affected by cancer who cannot afford to pay for advice. Call 13 11 20