NAME: Michelle BEGINNING OF JOURNEY: 2010 DIAGNOSIS OF SECONDARIES: 2014 I joined the ABC group in October 2015 after seeing their poster at the Mater Hospital during daily radiation treatments. I am originally from Melbourne. I moved to Brisbane in 2014 seeking a warmer climate, and a city base to fly in/out for remote…
I was diagnosed with a very aggressive Breast Cancer in June 2015. Metastatic, Triple Negative, Ductal Carcinoma, which was in my Breast, Both Lungs, within the Body Sternum (Bone) and Liver (suspicious). The only treatment available, in my case is Chemotherapy. I had 12 X weekly chemotherapy treatments, July 2015 to October 2015, and responded…
Lorraine S
Story so far…. Just like many women I was working, raising a family and having fun in between a hectic lifestyle, until one morning getting out of the shower I noticed dimpling in my breast. I thought it unusual and immediately booked a mammogram this was September 2005 and within a few days I was…
Hi my name is Jenny and this is my beautiful granddaughter Evelyn. I am currently 54 years old (19.11.1964) and have 2 adult children, Jason and Jessica. I currently live in Hervey Bay Queensland with my very supportive husband of 4 years marriage. I was diagnosed with BC 22/3/18 (Invasive lobular HER2 negative ER/PR positive…
Indian tonic water can help with cramps