15 September 1960 – 24 October 2006 BEGINNNING OF JOURNEY April 1999 I discovered a large lump in my left breast which prompted me to see my GP, and the next week was a whirlwind. A fine needle aspiration confirmed my worst fears and breast cancer was diagnosed. I have two small children; Kate was…
2 June 1958 – 18 October 2006 BEGINNING OF JOURNEY I first discovered a lump in my right breast in February 1992 when I was 33. I was reassured it wouldn’t be anything serious because of my age. Yeah right! A week later, I had a modified radical mastectomy performed and they found another large…
3 December 1954 – 4 August 2005 We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. Through the unknown, unremembered gate When the last of earth left to discover Is that which was the beginning. From…
I am 57 years old and I am lucky to have a wonderful husband David and our three daughters – Matilda (27), Amelia (24) and Eliza (21). The girls are reasonably settled with lovely partners and have good careers. Tilly is a designer, Amelia a registered nurse and about to complete her midwifery degree…
NAME: Trish Brown DATE OF BIRTH: 2/4/1971 BEGINNING OF JOURNEY: June 2012 DIAGNOSIS OF SECONDARIES: April 2015 ABOUT ME: I grew up in a loving, family oriented environment. After high school, I started working in office administration and progressed in this area in various roles in industries such as finance, mining and construction. After my…
Dry Lips
Paw-paw ointment has been found to be soothing for dry, blistered lips