15 May 1950 – 23 January 2010
Diagnosed with breast cancer 1993 – mastectomy – chemotherapy – reconstruction.
I am a secondary English teacher. Predominantly a home maker while Ben and Kate were pre-school – always a community volunteer, (kindergarten, preschool, primary and secondary school committees) – some casual work tutoring, supply teaching.
Returned to full-time teaching 1991 – after cancer diagnosed in next 7 years took a total of 2 years sick leave while attempting to return to full-time work ( only part-time work offered was in a rehabilitation year) before finally resigning in 1999.
1999 2001 home maker and community volunteer.
2002 – began casual work as a teacher of English as a second language.
Plan to return to supply work with a view to finding permanent part-time work as an english teacher – also working as a volunteer in Australian Red Cross office to learn office skills.
tiredness debilitating at times – pacing myself as a new skill being learnt! – learning to ask family and friends for support and assistance without feeling guilty.
- advance in breast cancer was small lesion in right lung – this was eventually controlled by Femara – despite this Pete, Kate and I travelled to USA where our son, Ben, was on Rotary Youth Exchange in Eagle Pass, Texas
- lost 12 kilos and had a troublesome cough before a lesion in my chest and extensive bone metastases were found – treated by chemotherapy (CMF again), a daily dose of Aromasin and monthly infusions of Zometa
- travelled to Canada where our daughter, Kate, was on a study exchange from University of Qld – just prior to Christmas flew to Brisbane for extensive radiation for pain relief
- cancer progressed to liver but chemotherapy only started in October (AC) – finished March 2009 – scans pending
- fortunate to be only suffering discomfort and some limitation and slowing of movement from bone metastases
- living with realistic positivity
- casual work on hold for the moment
- husband and I are “empty nesters” now, and are doing as he says “the best we can”, which includes often taking advantage of cheap airfares to escape for “adventures”!
Managing Paperwork
Keep a history of your illness. Include dates of scans and results, as you will be asked these dates often. Ask your oncologist to explain what the results of investigations and tests mean.