Hi my name is Anne; I am 44years old and was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer in September 2016. Somewhere around 6months before I went to the doctors, my breast changed and I developed an inverted nipple. At this point, I buried my head and didn’t want to acknowledge that this was very serious. August 2016, I had significant pain in my left shoulder that radiated down my left arm. I saw my doctor and he ordered CT, Mammogram and ultrasound with biopsies and aspirates. I already knew that I had cancer, just not realising that it had spread.
The mammogram and ultrasound, showed bilateral breast cancer with lymph node involvement on the left breast, and the biopsies and aspirates came back with oestrogen and progesterone positive receptors. The breast surgeon ordered a Bone scan, and referred me to a medical oncologist.
At my appointment, my medical oncologist then informed me that I had Stage 4 Cancer and that it was in my bones, (right femur, bilateral shoulders, right humerus, left ribs, and pelvis) and it was incurable. I was started on Zoladex (ovary suppressant) and Exemestane but changed to Tamoxifen as I had a menstrual cycle.
Because of my bone Mets, I had an appointment with the Orthopaedic Surgeons, who informed me that I couldn’t jump, dance or run or do the workouts at the gym. I was also placed on light duties for work. I have then been having 3 monthly appointments with them, until January when I stated that the right leg couldn’t weight bear for long periods of time. This prompted an earlier appointment and then surgery was booked for March.
The zoladex wasn’t working also; my hormone levels still were pre-menopausal so I was then given a referral to the gynaecologist. Hysterectomy was booked for 4 weeks post femur nail.
I have been married to Scott for 23years. We have 2 children, Nick and Lindsay. Nick is turning 18 this year and Lindsay is turning 13. We also have 2 dogs and 2 guinea pigs.
We moved from Toowoomba, to Cairns 11 years ago and I then went to University to study nursing.
I am a registered nurse, still currently working part-time.
This a photo of me
Beat the Heat #2
Roll up a tea towel, wet it and freeze it. When frozen, place around your neck or forehead