Ruth H
21 May 1961 – 02 May 2016 BEGINNING OF JOURNEY: In July 2012, I had a superficial and visible small lump, about the size of a grain of rice, removed from the areola area of my left breast. Expert opinion, which included a mammogram and unltrasound, was that this was a blocked milk duct but…
24 February 1961 – 21 November 2015 Beginning of Journey: December 2006 Self-discovered lump in left breast; lumpectomy, mastectomy, reconstruction, chemotherapy, tamoxifen Diagnosis of Secondaries: May 2014 Self-discovered lump above left collarbone Unable to remove due to location – chemotherapy planned Following further testing, bone mets discovered in coccyx, femur, hip, neck Commenced Abraxane and…
March 1963 – 27 October 2015 I first discovered a lump in by breast in 2008. Subsequent ultrasound and biopsy revealed nothing malicious, a benign Fibroadenoma, that caused no further concern. In the early months of 2012 a second lump made its presence known. Detected through self examination, undetected on mammogram and initially not causing…
Dealing With Pain
Don’t feel you have to put up with pain. Tell your doctor. Ask for advice as to how best to use pain medication.