
2 June 1958 – 18 October 2006 BEGINNING OF JOURNEY I first discovered a lump in my right breast in February 1992 when I was 33. I was reassured it wouldn’t be anything serious because of my age. Yeah right! A week later, I had a modified radical mastectomy performed and they found another large…

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15 September 1960 – 24 October 2006 BEGINNNING OF JOURNEY April 1999 I discovered a large lump in my left breast which prompted me to see my GP, and the next week was a whirlwind. A fine needle aspiration confirmed my worst fears and breast cancer was diagnosed. I have two small children; Kate was…

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BEGINNING OF JOURNEY In March 2003 I went for my regular mammogram and some days later received a call at home for a recall. It never entered my head that it was anything serious, and as I was about to set out for Mackay for work, I told them I would contact them when I got back.

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