Ask the pharmacist for an information sheet about any new medication, and whether there are any glaring contra-indications it would be helpful for you to know about.
We were recently contacted by someone from the ABC, who connected us with Rebecca Levingston, the host of the Evening programme on 612, which is broadcast across the state. She invited us onto her programme for “Taboo Tuesday” where she raises topics not easily talked about. Lesley, one of the women in the group joined…
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Some of you may have heard that the group and our service features in a recent Encounter program on ABC RN entitled “The Power of Vulnerability” produced by Carmel Howard. Pia and 2 women from the group – Lesley and Carol – were interviewed for the program. The key message was that true courage and…
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Dr Jane Turner, who is on the Reference Group for this service, was on Radio National’s Ockam’s Razor on Sunday 7 February, talking about the impact that parental cancer and subsequent death has on children. To listen, go to this link, where you can either listen live, or download the podcast or the transcript of…
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Ask the pharmacist for an information sheet about any new medication, and whether there are any glaring contra-indications it would be helpful for you to know about.